Commissioners Notebook: September 2023

Published on September 15, 2023

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Cabarrus County’s 2024 Schedule of Values, Standards and Rules is available for public review. Tax Administrator David Thrift shared the proposed manual during the Cabarrus Board of Commissioners Work Session on September 5.

The Schedule of Values serves as the appraisal manual for the countywide revaluation of all real property. The manual contains information related to listing, assessing, valuing and applying rates, and is used to estimate land, buildings and extra features for all properties in the county.

During a revaluation, appraisers analyze data using field visits, aerial imagery tools, owner listing forms, property sales and market information.

According to Thrift, the Schedule of Values “provides uniformity, consistency and equity” as the tax department assesses each property and logs its fair market value, or the price a willing seller may receive from a willing buyer.

A public hearing on the Schedule of Values is set for the Regular Meeting on Monday, September 18.

The Schedule of Values will be up for adoption at the October 2 Work Session. After that, there will be a month-long period for taxpayers to file an appeal. Weekly notices will be advertised prior to the appeal deadline, Thrift said. November 1 is the final day to appeal.

The full Schedule of Values, Standards and Rules can be found at To learn more about the revaluation process and see frequently asked questions, visit and type “revaluation” in the search bar.

For additional information, call Cabarrus County Tax Administration at 704-920-2126.

Also, during the September Work Session, commissioners:

  • Heard a presentation from Active Living and Parks Park Program Manager Jacob Wentink and Benesch Landscape Architecture Group Manager Jeff Ashbaugh on the proposed masterplan for the nature park on St. Stephens Church Road in Mt. Pleasant. Benesch is the design firm selected to create a masterplan for the 615-acre park. During his presentation, Ashbaugh shared site analysis findings, comments from the first public input meeting (held on February 21) and the concept plan for the park based on the topography, location and comments from staff and the public. “The vision … is to develop a low-impact nature park,” Ashbaugh said. “It will feature nature-focused passive recreation that enhances, protects and preserves the environmentally sensitive aspects of the site.” The next steps include holding a second public input session, developing a preliminary and final masterplan and presenting the project to Commissioners for approval. The land parcel was purchased in 2020 from the Conservation Fund. The property features unique topography, including various types of forested areas (upland depression swamp, dry oak-hickory and pine) and active farmland.
  • Heard a presentation from Strategy Manager Kasia Thompson and Management Analyst Elie Landrum about Cabarrus County’s next strategic plan. A strategic plan helps identify important issues in a community and organization and provides a path to addressing those issues. The plan resulted from a months-long process of collaboration among County employees and Commissioners. During the Work Session, the strategy team reviewed the proposed vision, mission, values and goals, shared plan progress and introduced next steps in the process. The proposed vision is to “empower our people, act intentionally and decisively and focus on the future.” The proposed mission is “through meaningful partnerships and engagement we serve and support all on their journey to thrive.” Proposed employee values include teamwork, respect, communication, integrity and accountability. The strategic plan will direct County resources to improve five goals, including engagement, workplace culture, innovation, stewardship and advancement. Once adopted, the plan will be introduced to the public. Commissioners are expected to vote on the plan at the Regular Meeting. For more information, visit

To watch the full September 5, 2023 Work Session, visit

The Regular Meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. on Monday (September 18) at the Cabarrus County Government Center in downtown Concord.

Residents can watch commissioner meetings on the Cabarrus County livestream at, on YouTube (@CabarrusCounty) and on CabCo TV (Spectrum Cable Channel 22).

Stay updated on these and all county programs and projects by visiting and following Cabarrus County at and on Twitter and Instagram @CabarrusCounty.

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