Cabarrus seeks resident input on regional preparedness plan

Published on March 28, 2024


To enhance disaster preparedness and resilience, Cabarrus County has joined with Stanly and Union counties to invite participation in the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan public survey.

The 5-minute anonymous survey is an opportunity for residents to share their opinions and participate in the mitigation planning process.

The survey asks about resident preparedness, threats to neighborhoods, needed assistance from local governments and more.

The area covered by the Cabarrus Stanly Union Region is vulnerable to a wide range of natural hazards, including tornadoes and thunderstorms, flooding and severe winter weather.

While a threat may never be fully eliminated, much can be done to lessen potential impacts on the community and residents.

The 2024 plan update involves the identification of vulnerabilities and prioritization of mitigation strategies to better prepare for, respond to and recover from a hazardous event.

An internal meeting was held on February 8 with stakeholders from all counties. In the future, each county will host in-person planning meetings on a rotating schedule.

Union County kicked things off on March 13 and introduced the plan update process, discussed preliminary data collection efforts for risk assessment, proposed an outline of the plan and created the public survey.

To participate in the survey, visit

The Spanish translated survey can be accessed at

If you have questions regarding this survey or would like to learn about more ways you can participate in the development in the plan, contact Cabarrus County Emergency Management Director Jason Burnett at

About Cabarrus County Emergency Management

Emergency Management helps protect lives and preserve property by preparing a plan of action to respond effectively and expeditiously to emergencies, disasters and hazards of all types, to prevent or mitigate the effects on people and property through protective measures.

The department coordinates state and local agency response to disasters and emergencies and works with community organizations to plan for possible emergency situations. They are also responsible for operating the Emergency Operations Center during incidents.

The department also includes the Fire Marshal’s Office and the Squad 410 manpower unit.

Residents can register for timely emergency messages by visiting  

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